Catch Them Being Good
Children will naturally do things that are most likely to get attention, so it makes sense to direct your attention to behaviors that you want to see.
Waiting Without the Fuss
Children usually do not like to wait. Fortunately, waiting is a skill that you can teach your child.
How to Give Effective Instructions
A common complaint from parents is that their child just does not listen or do what they ask. Following instructions given by an adult is a skill that is necessary for a successful childhood. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help build this skill.
How to Follow Through on Instructions
Following instructions is an essential skill for a successful childhood. Children don't always listen, and many parents resort to nagging, yelling, threatening, or just giving up. The three-step prompting method is a simple way to follow through on your instructions.
How to Teach Accepting “No”
Hearing "no" can be hard for children, and they need to be taught how to tolerate being told "no." They will learn this best with clear rules and consistent follow through.
Picking Rewards that Work
Effective rewards are critical for effective parenting. Most importantly, they motivate your child.
How to Set up a First-Then Reward System
Rewards can help motivate your child to do more of the things you want to see and less of the things you don’t. However, it is important to set up the reward system correctly. A first-then system is a very simple way to use rewards that can be applied to almost any situation.